Gay Affirmative, Safe Compassionate Caring

It's my work to help heal damaging experiences for gay men and the community through:  fostering self-love and acceptance, uncovering your authentic identity, encouraging personal growth and healthy sexuality.  Working to reduce the elements that contribute to a toxic atmosphere, both in our selves and our culture, and alleviating symptoms and other problems that stem from these important issues.  This is a gay affirmative practice.

My aim is to address the issues of shame, low esteem, self-destructive behavior, and foster increased connection with community.

To be a continued presence, influencing a world where long-term committed relationships are the norm and not just the exception.

Working with systems from individuals, groups, organizations, and beyond, toward consistently actualizing potential.

Thus, I will be an advocate to you, working toward changing the stereotypes that have negatively impacted our community.  Being gay is positive, natural, and healthy.  Internalized homophobia has caused great suffering, stemming from the impact of other people's negative reactions, not from being gay by nature.  It is impossible not to be impacted because of prejudicial gay stigma, discrimination, and oppression.  We only have to look toward the passing of Prop 8 in California to know this is true.  We are significantly stressed and unfairly challenged by the toxic homophobic atmosphere of our culture,  which has a negative impact on our esteem and psyche. Having been there myself, it is my mission to help the sexual minority community thrive.

This mission is to pro-actively deliver safe, compassionate care employing specific techniques when the situation merits and usable solutions that provide optimal results and increase value and energy. To guide others to make choices in harmony with whom they are and want to become by being a source of life, compassion, passion, and balance.

What difference am I trying to make?  To encourage others to be more connected with themselves and community.   Contributing to a positive internal and external transformation of the way the gay community and our members are perceived.

My work is an expression of my purpose to improve the balance of life, love, inspiration, and compassion in our community by guiding gay men, and adults, children, couples, groups, organizations, and communities to make choices that are in harmony with who they are and want to become. To contribute to balance in the community by, living, loving, and inspiring, with compassion and passion.

Do you know someone who is ripe for change, ready to get involved in their own life and live on purpose?